Although it is true that in light of the presence of social media accounts, particularly Facebook that provides a unique URL, be it personal profile (https://www.facebook.com/rajeev.bagra) or business page (https://www.facebook.com/splendiddigitalsolutions), not everyone needs a personal website with a unique domain name or web address (like woosplendid.com for our case).
However, owning a personal website does give advantages even for the amateur ones. For instance, you are approved for Amazon Associates program only after submitting your own website/app. Although without a personal website, Amazon Influencer Program is a way to monetize, but parameters for getting approved need sizeable follower base, and so not relevant to all.
Amazon Associates is one of the easiest ways to monetize while on web. You can place relevant affiliate links and banners on your website and share the same on social media which you are anyway using. Thus, it helps monetize from your existing social media friends and followers.
In this post, we are discussing the easiest and the fastest way to launch a fresh website without any programming knowledge or background in IT.
It’s true that using the above GoDaddy website builder software, anyone without a programming knowledge can launch a website/online store. The above software may lack content management functionalities of popular CMS like WordPress but recommended for business categories like photography, clothe store or any website with static pages wherein the content will not be updated frequently.
Another way to make a preliminary launch of your website using GoDaddy website builder could be by buying a .com (or other Top Level Domains such as .net) through GoDaddy.
Chances are that you will be offered a free website builder software (with restriction of one page).
At a time when a one-page website is a preferred choice for niches like portfolio websites, then one-page restriction no more remains a restriction but a blessing in disguise. You are allowed to add sections as per your need within the one-page limitation.
Example of website (ifsaacademy.co) launched buying just domain name from GoDaddy. With the purchase of domain name is offered a facility to launch a one-page website.
Alternative to GoDaddy Website Builder: Weebly
Although you should be able to launch a website through a website builder software by yourself, in case you need help, feel free to contact us. We specialize in websites powered by WordPress CMS.
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