Exit Intent feature is a patented OptinMonster technology and one of the hallmarks of desktop version that intends to persuade visitors take a second look once they show exit intention.

Now, given the rising trend of accessing websites on mobile, Mobile Exit Intent was one of the top feature request received by OptinMonster Team for quite some time.
What is Mobile Exit Intent?
Mobile Exit Intent is the newest added feature that takes into account user behaviour before exit such as scroll back up web pages in order to access address bar or tap back button while on mobile/smartphone. To keep visitors connected, you may offer a deal such as reduced price or a free download of ebook that captures name and email id of the respondent while making use of visually appealing forms that come with OptinMonster. This will help build subscriber list as part of email marketing going forward.

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways under internet marketing. Email marketing was there before the social media, and at one time, it was felt that email marketing will lose its appeal given the sharing of news/posts/products over Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and so on.
However, one thing that made emails unique is a compulsion. While we are free to ignore newsfeeds over social media apps, email does not offer that liberty. Email has an official element and ignoring an email by say a govt. authority might tantamount to legal consequences. The same cannot be said of the messages communicated over the social media apps.
In other words, no matter how busy we are or what position we hold, we go through each of the emails. We ignore most of the emails right at the subject page list, yet they do take our attention. Even spam folder qualifies a quick look as few legit emails find their way to spam.

For those looking for an increase in ROI (Return on Investment), in addition to OptinMonster and ActiveCampaign, we suggest Elite plan of WPForms that has an ActiveCampaign addon with it.

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